Balance Testing

Balance issues are common, and our audiologists are dizziness and balance disorder experts. Chronic dizziness, vertigo, or loss of balance can be debilitating and can negatively affect your quality of life. At Peninsula Hearing & Balance Center, we offer vestibular testing to determine if dizziness or balance issues are present. We offer the following testing for balance disorders:

Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR)

Identifies abnormalities of the auditory neural pathways through the level of the brainstem such as an acoustic neuroma.

Videonystagmography Testing (VNG)

Assists our specialists in determining if the patient's dizziness is caused by inner ear dysfunction, BPPV, or central pathology. Once evaluated, your physician will receive a comprehensive report within 48 hours. In addition, we have a number of referral sources depending on your condition.